An encyclopedia of tools designed to enhance
our experience of the Present, as it is.
itmotf (In The Middle of The Future) is a non-profit modern encyclopedia of natural wisdom, skills, spaces, tools, and media that grounds our humanity in the infinite Present. Using these elements, we hope our community will find new outlets inwards—to embrace what is instead of what should be and discover their own formula towards a deeper, kinder connection to themselves and the world.
This project arises from a growing realisation that humanity is operating under outdated paradigms, harming both ourselves and our environment. Not taking for granted that we live in a time where human consciousness remains central for the progress of our civilisation, we want to offer a platform for those in the process of waking up from the collective dream into a path of their own making.
As the pace of change accelerates, reality is more shapeable than ever and a Renaissance is naturally brewing amongst us, opening new doors into a Consciously Imagined Future. Our role— is to discover and share the windows towards new interconnected worlds through a range of experiences, methods and theories drawn from authentic sources—ancient and modern—that help us nurture and expand our humanity.
In practice, our work takes form—
On the Web
We are building a digital library — a comprehensive database that seeks to gather and unite the vast wisdom accessible to our civilisation. We collect all useful works and resources, regardless of format (whether a book, game, film, or even a Vipassana retreat) that have the power to change lives for the better. Anything that could enrich the Human Experience, just as it is.
We are well aware that we can’t do this alone, so we invite you to contribute here.
From our database, we carefully select the most relevant and actionable resources and bring them to reality with the purpose of introducing our community to new transformative experiences.
We also offer specialised curation of physical events for brands looking to create innovative activations or collaborations that challenge and expand our perceptions of what is possible.
On our Podcast
We engage in conversations with modern-day pioneers—individuals who make the world a better place by harnessing imagination to design their own reality, carving out unexplored paths and fully embracing who they are.